Women’s Leadership Clinic – Bernadette Kilcer
I wish I could express to you the clarity of mind that comes from sleeping under the stars listening to the sound of a running river. If you’ve ever done so you understand. I wish I could express to you the smell of clean air and how that improves cardiovascular response. If you’ve ever smelled it you know. I wish I could express to you the healing powers of being around a group of women of varying sizes, shapes, ages and colors who only care about your inner beauty and could give a hoot about what your outer body looks like. If you ever have this opportunity, do so. There is an empowering moment that comes from each one of these that effects you mind, body and soul. While this trip may have given me external bumps, bruises and scrapes; this trip helped me address my internal bumps, bruises and scrapes in a way that would not otherwise have been possible.
I cannot thank TRR or ASA enough for providing me with this opportunity.-BK