Team River Runner's Mission
To provide all veterans and their families an opportunity to find health, healing, community purpose, and new challenges through adventure and adaptive paddle sports!


Team River Runner Chapter Locations
Team River Runner operates in over 55% of the United States
North West
South West
Mid West
Central Regional
South East
Mid Atlantic
My name is Sherman Neal II and I am a Marine Corps veteran, attorney, filmmaker, and social justice advocate. My personal and professional goals revolve around building equitable, ethical, and innovative campaigns that result in more resilient communities. At present, I am committed to doing that work as the Deputy Campaign Director for Sierra Club Military Outdoors in addition to serving as an agent/advisor for college athletes.
In August of 2023 I was invited on a trip that changed the trajectory of my life — the 2023 Team River Runner Affinity Clinic. I had never been whitewater boating, I hadn’t previously been involved with the organization, and I had never enjoyed the outdoors with such a diverse group. I learned quite a bit about myself floating down the Lower Salmon River and sleeping under the stars. I learned from every conversation with other participants (in addition to the goodness that comes with challenging yourself in ways only getting dumped out of an IK in a Class IV rapid can…) and I center a firm believer that TRR has a special opportunity to leverage the outdoors to develop minority leaders in the veteran community and I am excited to create similar opportunities to what I experienced on the Lower Salmon that bring joy and healing to veterans in ways they may not have otherwise thought possible.
“There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in.” –Desmond Tutu
-Sherman N

Meeting strangers for the first time but already knowing them was only the beginning of the Team River Runner experience this weekend. Some are young, some are older but young at heart, and some live their lives with such a commitment that it is every breath they take and every heartbeat. Some are experienced, some are not! Some can’t see, some are amputees! They are dedicated and they motivated each of us, but something was missing from our regular day to day….people looking at us and saying oh you poor blind soul you must live a miserable life of not being able to see! Or whatever the disability, we are judged by that everyday. Stereotypes and misconceptions, are the beginning and prejudice and inequality become norm, but something this weekend was different! They see the inner warrior in each of us that they touched. They find those secret places that some of us thought was dead! They renewed the spirit and healed the mind, all by giving their all ….and guess what…we all had a ball.
-Sharon G

As a 4th generation veteran, our family knows the importance of core family support. We have been there for each other through everything… and when we traverse a river with a band of TRR’-others that share our load and understand what it takes to get down a river of water we make the bonds that help us traverse the currents of pain, suffering and the trials it takes to get down this river of life.
-David R

The foundational and advanced training I received from TRR has granted me a new sense of independence, that I otherwise wouldn’t have. However, they also provided an organic environment for Vets, be it injured or not, to meet and share our experiences in the presence of nature I hadn’t really spoken of my injuries from my IED blast in some years and yet found myself floating on the beautiful Salmon River amongst the valleys and mountains surrounded by Vets and sharing my story. It was truly peaceful. The healing that one can receive in the presence of nature is truly unmatched. TRR has provided this for me and for many Vets on this trip. For this I thank them from the bottom of my heart. Thank you so very much.
-Joey M
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