Oh, this trip. What a unique adventure. What a talented group of women. What an amazing mission. What an unforgettable experience. I will be forever grateful for the memories, for the friends, and for all that I learned. It will help me be a better paddler, a better RN, a better friend, a better wife, a better (future) mother. The river is healing, the clean crisp air, the running water, the trees, the beautiful canyon, the stars. The river doesn’t care if you’ve out on weight due to stress. The river doesn’t care if you’ve got paddling experience. The river doesn’t care if you’re not the experienced outdoorsy type. The river doesn’t care if you’ve got nice clothes. The river just wants you visit every now and again. This trip gave me hope. This trip inspired me. This trip saved my life. The 5 days on the San Juan with this amazing group of women reignited my flame. I am excited to share it with the world.